Knowledge Series: Building Efficient ML Pipelines


In today’s data-driven world, building efficient machine learning (ML) pipelines is crucial for leveraging data to drive insights and business value. In the realm of machine learning, the creation of robust, scalable, and automated pipelines is not just a technical necessity but a strategic imperative.

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Knowledge Series: Use cases of Gen AI in Financial Services


In the dynamic landscape of financial services Industry, the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) has emerged as a game-changer. In this article, we delve into the transformative applications of Gen AI, focusing on the role of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3, BERT, and LLaMA, among others.

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Experiential Learning: BI Part II: From Data views to building BI Dashboards and Insights


Having extracted data from various Data sources and establishing robust data pipelines and creating comprehensive data views in previous stages, which we covered in our previous edition of Finalytica last month. In this article and in continuation of the process, we delve into building reports & dashboards and extracting actionable insights from the accumulated data.

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Experiential Learning: Creating Data Views in various environments for complex BI Dashboard Creation

Creating Data Views in various environments for complex BI Dashboard Creation

In various BI implementations, we have addressed the need for efficient data pipelines to build complex BI reports from diverse sources. Here’s how we practically implemented robust data pipelines supporting advanced BI dashboards, utilizing cloud platforms like AWS and GCP, as well as on-premise solutions.

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Experiential Learning: Leveraging Narrator on Public domain data for Analytics

Leveraging Narrator on Public domain data for Analytics

Many organizations use Business Intelligence (BI) tools for their conventional & core data, such as Dashboarding for reporting. Narrator is also used by many organizations for their reporting, dashboarding, insighting on the core data on a day-to-day basis

However, in the last few years, Narrator has also emerged as one of the tools where you can host your alternate data like data sourced from public domain or portals etc.

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Best of G-Square’s Knowledge Series & Experiential Learning articles of the Year 2023

1.  Enhancing Credit Facility In Credit Cards through ML Modelling

Predictive modelling using 12 months of historical data to identify credit card customers likely to convert retail balances to instalments. Utilize 6000 features for targeted marketing campaigns, enhancing customer engagement through channels like emails and push notifications.… Continue reading

Big Announcement: G-Square launches AI Insights in Narrator


We are super excited to share our new launch with you – Narrator’s AI Insights is here to make your data insighting stronger. Say goodbye to confusing spreadsheets and hello to a world where data becomes your trusted source for making smart decisions.… Continue reading

Finalytica November 2023: Reactivation of Inactive Customer base through ML

Reactivation of Inactive Customer base through ML


In the retail funds & Investments industry, one of the key challenges is to retain and grow the customer base, especially in the context of increasing competition and changing customer preferences. One of the strategies to achieve this goal is to activate existing inactive or partially inactive customers through cross-sell and upsell of products and services to existing customers, based on their needs and preferences.… Continue reading

Finalytica, Oct 2023: Knowledge Series: Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) in enhancing Business Value

Utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) in enhancing Business Value


This comprehensive article explores the transformative applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the realms of text summarization, language enhancement, and structured data analysis for businesses. We delve into how LLMs work, their practical usage, and their  significance in summarizing content from PDF and HTML files.

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Finalytica, Sept 2023: Knowledge Series: Using Snowflake for Data Warehousing and Analytics

Utilizing Snowflake for Data Warehousing and Analytics


Let’s look at Snowflake’s features, benefits, real-world applications, and its potential to transform the world of data warehousing and analytics.

About Snowflake

Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing solution that blends traditional data warehousing with cloud flexibility.

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Experiential Learning: Unleashing the Potential of Databricks

Understanding and utilizing Databricks for Advanced Data Analytics


In the ever-evolving landscape of data analytics, emerging technologies continually reshape the way we handle and analyze data, offering efficient, scalable, and powerful solutions. Among these innovations, Databricks stands out. In this blog, we will take you through the world of Databricks, exploring its features, benefits, use cases, and how it can revolutionize the way we approach data engineering and data analytics.

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Experiential Learning: Neural Networks in Sales Modelling

Experiential Learning: Neural Networks in Sales Modelling


In our regular sales modeling for clients, we primarily relied on traditional algorithms such as random forest and XGBoost models due to the tabular nature of our data and the success we achieved with these models.… Continue reading