Many proponents of NoSQL think that tables are so yester-century. Even in HTML Divs have replaced tables long time back for placing content on the page. Does that mean SQL will die down? May be, may be not..

Firstly there are several companies invested heavily in structured data solutions. Replacing all of them will take considerable amount of time. On top of it NoSQL solutions do not have standardisation to compete with the existing SQL-like frameworks. Also some data is inherently structured and tabular in nature always. So a combination of structured and unstructured is what is required. PostgreSQL handles this using tags. It is good but not enough for making it a standard. MongoDB rules the unstructured DB world at the moment but it is poor when it comes to handling data frames. So still waiting for a good “Not-only” SQL DB.

My wishlist for this is:

  • Ability to handle key-value pairs and also data frames.
  • A good query language (preferable not too different from SQL)
  • Great documentation and support for generic programming languages (Java, R, PHP, Ruby atleast to start with)

MongoDB with inbuilt dataframe objects and a query language to access these frames could satisfy most of these items. Hopefully they are listening and will do something soon 🙂


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