Category: Uncategorized

Machine Learning and Lambda Calculus

Most of human learning happens through symbols. We do not remember data in quantitative fashion. Even when we remember numbers (like for example phone number or value of Pi) we store it as a series of symbols rather than as float/in values.… Continue reading

Machine Learning vs. Machine Intelligence

Is Artificial Intelligence just about beating a person in the game of Go? I guess not, people have been playing that game for a long time in addition to doing several other things at the same time, including learning new things.

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Cloud is a bigger revolution than mobile

Much of the boom in the tech space is attributed to rapid increase in connectivity through mobile. That is a tremendous underestimation of what is going on right now in the tech world. Most of the ease if setting up and running businesses is because of the evolution of cloud architecture and not just because a user is able to access an app on phone.

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Big Data to Lean Data

Analytics has become a man power intensive activity.Man power is very expensive on top of it Analytics field is replete with jargon, as a result it has going beyond the reach of smaller companies. With today’s advances in technology there is no reason why a large part analytics can be automated.… Continue reading

AI in Business Analytics

Automation is the biggest growth driver for any industry. Much work in being done in automation of various aspects of business: work flows, project management, marketing etc etc.. Business Analytics is lagging quite behind in this though. Much of business analytics today involves manual data munging, analysis by an expert, modeling through the use of statistical tools and a final decision making by a manger.… Continue reading

Fintech Revolution aka Unbundling of the Bank

Banks are entities with several disparate services. This has been for legacy reasons as people trusted banks for all money related business (except may be insurance). thus banks offer payments, deposits, loans, wealth and asset management, broking, custodial , transaction advisory, investment banking and other varied set of services.… Continue reading

Checklist for BigData

Looking to build a BigData platform? Here is an infrastructural checklist that you should build:

  • Scalable structured DB (PotsgreSQL is a good choice)
  • Scalable unstructured DB (MongoDB)
  • Streaming data (Apache Storm)
  • In-memory data processing (Apache SparkSQL and RDD)
  • Machine learning (Spark MLLIB)

Also Python and associated libraries: although its not a big-data tool in itself python is a great language with readily available packages to interact with most big-data tools.… Continue reading

SQL.. NoSQL..WhateverQL..

Many proponents of NoSQL think that tables are so yester-century. Even in HTML Divs have replaced tables long time back for placing content on the page. Does that mean SQL will die down? May be, may be not..

Firstly there are several companies invested heavily in structured data solutions.… Continue reading

Models in Financial Markets

Prediction is a key component of financial market modeling. In fact its an area where prediction can be applied directly. Risk/Return optimization is the other important aspect in financial market modeling but that is secondary to prediction. The third important aspect is pricing especially of derivative products with non-linear payoffs.

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Why Python will takeover Java

The list of programming languages is practically infinite. But when it comes to latest web-based development and enterprise solutions three languages clearly lead: PHP, Java and Python. All of them have a C/C++ flavour in them. but they differ considerably in implementation, design and overall feel.… Continue reading

Cheap RAM is obviating the need for BigData Solutions

I read an interesting article on how cheaper RAM is making BigData solutions redundant. This thoughts has been playing in mind for sometime. There has been a big hype about BigData tools primarily because even running through several hundreds of GB in memory was becoming a problem, forget about terra and peta bytes of data.… Continue reading

Parallel Processing in Python

There has been much talk about hadoop and MapReduce. Map and reduce are not new concepts and have been in use for a long time (more than 50 years!) in functional programming. In-fact most embarrassingly parallel problems can be generalised using a parallel map function.… Continue reading