News Analytics
For a Large Bank
- A large Indian bank with presence in all segments – Retail, Wholesale and NR segments.
- The Client wanted to engage & educate its large sales teams in the three different verticals i.e. Business Banking, Wealth and NRI teams.
- They wanted to cover the latest happenings and developments in the Industry.
- We set up our Newsrator tool for their corporate office. The setup involved scrapping news & developments using APIs & scrapping websites for curating the keywords of interest.
- The coverage including Companies, Sectors, Trending topics, People, Events based on their interest & likely matching. A topic enrichment for those keywords using ML modelling was done at the back-end.
- Curator Newsletters were curated based on the needed UI, brand guidelines of the bank and topics based on each RMs interest.
- We provided our Newsrator access to their Corporate office team which provides daily news on the topics with News analytics like ML generated summary, sentiment, keywords, news classification, financial facts analysis etc.
- Daily Curated Newsletter using our Curator service in the desired formats are sent out to more than 500 RMs of the Business Banking, NRI & Wealth verticals.