Following is the list of functions exposed in Derivator API. For root URL and credentials contact us.



Endpoint URL (relative to root)



Price ./exoticderivatives/Price SecurityType, SecurityFeatures, settlement_date, maturity_date, yield_curve, start, Drift, Vol, blend, steps_pa, NumSims, basis, yc_compounding, browinanbridge
Gets price of exotic derivative using Monte-Carlo simulation
best_of_option ./exoticderivatives/best_of_option div_yield, vol, corr, rf, l_cap, u_cap, swap_rate, spread, start_date, maturity_date, n, num, quantity, option
Gets price of best of option using Monte-Carlo simulation
FixedRateBondCF ./fixedrate/FixedRateBondCF settlement, maturity, coupon, redemption, frequency, basis, with_principal, start_date Generates cashflows for a fixed rate bond
FixedRateBondFromSwap ./fixedrate/FixedRateBondFromSwap settlement, maturity, coupon, redemption, swapcurve, spread, frequency, basis, start_date, clean, basiscurve Gets price of bond from swao curve
FixedRateBondPr ./fixedrate/FixedRateBondPr settlement, maturity, coupon, redemption, frequency, basis, yieldc, compoundingfrequency, spread, clean, start_date
Gets price of bond from yield curve (yield or zero coupon curve)
SwapRatefromCurve ./fixedrate/SwapRatefromCurve swapcurve, settlement, maturity, basis, frequency Gets swap rate from swap curve
DigitalOptionPrice ./options/DigitalOptionPrice forward, strike, time, interest, volatility, optiontype, compoundfreq Gets price of digital option
FXOptionImpliedVol ./options/FXOptionImpliedVol spot, strike, interestdom, interestfor, target, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, compoundingfreq Gets implied vol of FX option
FXOptionPrice ./options/FXOptionPrice spot, strike, time, interestdom, interestfor, volatility, optiontype, compoundfreq Get price of FX option from vol
OptionImpliedVol ./options/OptionImpliedVol forward, strike, interest, target, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, compoundingfreq Gets implied vol from option price and forward
OptionPayOff ./options/OptionPayOff price, strike, optiontype Get payoff for options
OptionPrice ./options/OptionPrice forward, strike, time, interest, volatility, optiontype, compoundfreq Get price of option from forward and vol
StockOptionImpliedVol ./options/StockOptionImpliedVol spot, strike, interest, div_yield, target, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, compoundingfreq
Get implied vol of stok option from underlying value, option price
get_forward_scenarios ./options/get_forward_scenarios forward_x, strike, interest, volatility_x, optiontype, greek_type, time_x, valuedate, notional, expirydate, compoundingfreq, defer_premium Get scenarios of forward, vols and time
getdigitalgreeks ./options/getdigitalgreeks forward, strike, interest, volatility, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, notional, compoundingfreq Get greeks of digital option
getdigitalscenarios ./options/getdigitalscenarios forward_x, strike, interest, volatility_x, optiontype, greek_type, time_x, valuedate, notional, expirydate, compoundingfreq Get scenarios of digital option
getfxgreeks ./options/getfxgreeks spot, strike, interestdom, interestfor, volatility, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, notional, compoundingfreq Get greeks of FX option
getfxscenarios ./options/getfxscenarios spot_x, strike, interestdom, interestfor, volatility_x, optiontype, greek_type, time_x, valuedate, notional, expirydate, compoundingfreq Get scenarios of FX option
getgreeks ./options/getgreeks forward, strike, interest, volatility, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, notional, compoundingfreq, defer_premium Get greeks of an option from forward and vol
getgreeks_from_target ./options/getgreeks_from_target forward, strike, interest, target, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, notional, compoundingfreq
Get greeks of an option from forwrad and a target price
getstockgreeks ./options/getstockgreeks spot, div_yield, strike, interest, volatility, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, notional, compoundingfreq Get greeks of stock options form underlying, vol
normsdist ./options/normsdist x Get cumulative normal distribution
get_greeks ./optionstrategies/get_greeks book_options, valuedate, forward, volatility, vol_bump, compoundingfreq, defer_premium Get greeks for a book (list) of options
get_option_scenarios ./optionstrategies/get_option_scenarios book_options, forward, interest_curve, greek_type, scenario_date, volatility, compoundingfreq, defer_premium Get secnario values for a book(list) of options
get_payoff_graph ./optionstrategies/get_payoff_graph book_options, forward, valuedate, interest_curve, volatility, compoundingfreq, defer_premium Get pay off graph for a list of options
get_product_greeks ./spreadoptions/get_product_greeks forward1, forward2, strike, interest, vol1, vol2, corr, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, compoundingfreq
Get greeks of a option on a product of two securities
get_product_scenarios ./spreadoptions/get_product_scenarios forward1, forward2, strike, interest, vol1, vol2, corr_x, optiontype, greek_type, time, valuedate, expirydate, compoundingfreq
Get scenarios of a option on a product of two securities
get_ratio_greeks ./spreadoptions/get_ratio_greeks forward1, forward2, strike, interest, vol1, vol2, corr, optiontype, time, valuedate, expirydate, compoundingfreq Get greeks of a option on a ratio of two securities
get_ratio_scenarios ./spreadoptions/get_ratio_scenarios forward1, forward2, strike, interest, vol1, vol2, corr_x, optiontype, greek_type, time, valuedate, expirydate, compoundingfreq
Get scenarios of a option on a ratio of two securities
AmortSwapCalculations ./swaps/AmortSwapCalculations settlement, redemption, maturity, coupon, swapcurve, spread, frequency, fixed_basis, float_basis, amort_schedule, basiscurve, last_reset, clean Get value of an amortizing swap
CCYSwapCalculations ./swaps/CCYSwapCalculations settlement, maturity, pay_leg_notional, rcv_leg_notional, pay_swapcurve, rcv_swapcurve, is_pay_fixed, is_rcv_fixed, pay_frequency, rcv_frequency, pay_basis, rcv_basis, conversion_rate, pay_spread, rcv_spread, pay_rate, rcv_rate, conversion_base, pay_last_reset, rcv_last_reset, ccy_basis_crv, ccy_basis_leg, rcv_basis_curve, pay_basis_curve, clean, start_date, krd_pv01 Get value of a cross currency swap
GenerateAmortSchedule ./swaps/GenerateAmortSchedule settlement, maturity, frequency, notional, method Generate amortization schedule
SwapCalculations ./swaps/SwapCalculations settlement, maturity, coupon, redemption, swapcurve, spread, frequency, fixed_basis, float_basis, basiscurve, start_date, last_reset, cashflow, only_mtm, float_frequency, krd_pv01, only_cf Get swap value for interest rate swap
SwapCalculationsBook ./swaps/SwapCalculationsBook swaps, swapcurve, basiscurvex, clean Get value from a book(list) of swapts
SwapRatefromCurve ./swaps/SwapRatefromCurve swapcurve, settlement, maturity, basis, frequency Get swap rate from swap curve