Credit Portfolio Monitoring
For a Large Bank Using Bigdator
- A Large bank in the Private sector with a large customer base.
- Various lending segments ranging from SME to Mid to Large Corporates.
- Head of Credit Risk department and portfolio analytics team wanted to track existing and prospective lending portfolio.
- Any early warning signal or action is desirable on the credit portfolio.
- The areas to be tracked including a list of companies, key personnel and certain Industries which were part of their credit loan portfolio.
- These keywords were configured and enriched in Newsrator using our dictionaries.
- A curated Newsletter was created for each relationship manager with respective tracking to their relevant companies and other keywords.
- Newsrator helps scrape News, Articles, Blogs for the credit portfolio companies of the bank.
- It also does news summarisation, sentiment analysis, news classification, financial facts summarisation and traces any early warning signals for those companies.
- The Newsrator module of Bigdator which is a news analytics tool meant to extract relevant news, was implemented at the bank.
- Relevant people, sectors and other topics of interest are also being tracked.
- Early warning signals are created for any alerts on the likely reduction in credit quality thus enabling bank to do regular credit portfolio monitoring.