BI HR Tool
For a Pharma Company
- The Client was looking at a solution wich can give them a controlover entire HR data of plants & offices.
- The Client needed a HR Solutionn which can give them a control on manpower planning ie hiring,attrition based on productivity.
- The Client is a large pharma company and they were looking for a solution HR Operation.
- The manning & attrition analytics automated reports were configured in Narrator.
- Reports and some triggers & alerts were configured on a predefined frequency or based on meeting of a milestone or breaching of certain levels .
- The main focus was to configure reports and dashboards on employee manning & predicting attrition ahead of time based on productivity of each employee, plant & Site.
- Narrator BI Tool used to create reports & dashboards.
- Manning & Attrition analytics dashboards.
- Employee productivity analytics.
- Employee Optimisation.
- Alers & Triggers on manpower gaps.
- Configuration of Narrator on cloud side
- Efforts saved for the HR Department for report preparations